GrowthInvest with GBI Magazine, has published a supplement which looks at why tax efficient investments are now a hot topic amongst advisers.

Entitled ‘Leading the way with EIS & SEIS’ , it sets out to explain the background to the enterprise schemes and how they encourage investment by individuals into early stage companies as an alternative source of funding to more traditional sources of capital.

The supplement covers a number of key areas, including how pension changes are encouraging greater use of alternative investment platforms, how advisers can use technology to meet client expectations and how diversification builds EIS success.

There’s also details of GrowthInvest’s new discretionary managed portfolio service.

The supplement has comments and views from senior GrowthInvest executives, including managing director Daniel Rodwell and operations director David Lovell. An article from Jack Rose, Head of Tax Products at LGBR Capital, is also featured.

A wide range of investment opportunities are listed within the supplement.



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