Par Equity argues the case as to why maturation of the EIS market offers increasingly attractive planning and investment opportunities for advisers and their clients

EIS has been part of an adviser’s tax efficient tool kit for the last 26 years and now, more than £2 billion is invested annually into EIS qualifying companies.

EIS is powerful medicine, armed with several appealing features to mitigate some of the risk in early-stage venturing – income tax relief, CGT deferral, loss relief, CGT exemption, business relief, and business investment relief for non-doms. From a government perspective, it makes sense. For every pound of tax relief waived via EIS, the treasury recoups more back in the form of NIC, employment tax corporation tax and of course the second order effects of stimulating SME spending on the wider economy. EIS is one of the biggest drivers of the UKs tech scene, propelling innovation and improving productivity across every sector it touches.

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